Living Room

7 Carpet Cleaning Tips to Keep It Looking New


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Your home is defined by the comfort and sense of belonging you feel when you are inside. Everything seems to revolve around you and your convenience, to give you a perfect experience. It is great to have all the necessary things, such as support systems in your home, but what keeps you happy is the idea of being clean.

Just like you don’t use public restrooms, you cannot leave your home filthy for a long period of time because it grows on you. Out of all the fixtures that need cleaning on regular basis, carpets are the most important.

It does not matter if you are on a vacation or you are enjoying holidays quarantined, you would know that carpets need constant cleaning and vacuuming to make sure stains and spots do not stay forever.

So, in this post, we will share the 7 best carpet cleaning tips that will help you in getting rid of all the dirt and debris from the inner seams of your carpet and make it look like a new one.

1. Blotting

It is inevitable to spill something on the carpet. The range goes from coffee to watercolors and you cannot do almost anything about preventing such catastrophe. All you can do is blot, which comes afterward.

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The process is a spill, the moment you see a fresh spill on your clean carpet, get a blotting paper or a clean cotton towel and let it suck the contents. This will allow you to remove the stain before it can become permanent and mar the face of your carpet.

Out of instinct, you might go for a rub and scrub, but it will only worsen the situation.

2. Say No Commercial Chemicals

On your grocery shopping, you have seen aisles filled with stain removal chemicals. They were tempting and convincing and you may have thought about buying a container. If you refrained from doing so, you have done a great favor to yourself and your carpet.

Commercial chemicals do more harm than good to your carpet. For pronounced effects, they use concentrated bleaching agents that remove the stain but damage the fabric of the carpet.

The best to remove the stains and keep intact the structural integrity of your carpets is best to use water and lightly scrub if needed.

If this does not do the trick, go for mild vinegar and water and the solution can clean all domestic stains.

3. Wax Can Be Removed Easily

It could be because of the romantic candlelight dinner that you had with your partner or your kids were playing with wax, making figurines and miniatures, you get wax on your carpets and it does not come off easily.

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Now, pulling it out is not as simple as it may seem. You probably have tried it already and you know that it does not come off without pulling out the fibers from the same area.

So, what to do next?

The answer is simple. You apply heat to the area where the wax was dropped. Place a cloth on the wax and put a hot iron on it. Once it is soft again, use a blunt knife and scrape it off the surface of the carpet.

4. Vacuum Your Heart Out

You cannot over-vacuum your carpet, no matter how often you do it. It is an essential part of your carpet-cleaning regimen if you want your carpet to look and feel clean.

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With regular cleaning, you can remove dirt and debris from the surface and would not give it the time to settle in the deeper layers of the fiber. Additionally, it adds to the practical life of the carpet.

5. Protection Is Good

Cleaning and vacuuming are not the only ways to keep your carpet clean. There is carpet protection available in the market that blocks the dirt and debris from settling in your carpet.

Manufacturers like Scotch Guard make amazing protection layers. If you have spent a big sum on a plush carpet, it is worth your while to pay some extra for its protection. Otherwise, you need to amp up your cleaning and vacuuming game to keep your carpet in its prime condition.

6. Stain Removal 101

Although we are doing it from our childhoods, we have not learned to do it the right way. Let us settle this, once and for all.

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Here is how your remove stains from carpets:

  • Blot the affected surface from a cloth or a paper towel.
  • Make a 4:1 solution of mild vinegar and water.
  • Put the solution in a spray container and sprinkle some over the surface.
  • Blot again until the surface is as dried as it could be from blotting.
  • Place a kitchen towel on the affected area and place a heavy object on it. It will allow it to soak all the moisture with minimal trouble.
  • If there is still a spot, call the professionals.

7. Hire Professionals Periodically

For a common household, it is best to call professionals twice a year and get ‘treatment’ for your carpets. They have power hoses, effective supplies, and experience to ensure your carpets come back to their past glory. If twice is not possible, once is an absolute must.

These tips will help you in keeping your carpet in the best possible shape. Aside from cleaning, make sure you invest your resources in preventing spots and stains on your carpets in the first place. This will give you plenty of peace of mind.

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