
How to Keep Cats Safe in the Yard


If you have cats, you know that they don’t cater to you. Instead, you cater to them, as these independent creatures strive to do whatever they want. Unfortunately, this typical “cattitude” can make training nearly impossible, especially if your main goal is to keep your furry felines in your yard.

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Because cats naturally want to explore, climb trees, and chase small critters, your furry felines are certain to leave your property, putting them at risk of getting hit by a car or coming in contact with dangerous predators. Fortunately, there are some ways you can protect your cats while still giving them the freedom to explore the outdoors.

Use Fence Add-Ons

Putting up a tall fence may keep your cats in your yard. However, many skilled felines can easily scale a fence and make it over the top, so you may need to add a containment kit to ensure your pet stays on your property.

These add-ons are generally composed of mesh or another strong material that connects to your existing fence, creating a cat-proof barrier at the top. Because the materials are durable, even the heaviest cats can’t pull them down, which means they can withstand harsh rain and wind storms. These add-on kits are also helpful because they usually add to the overall height of your fence.

Some containment kits to consider are spring-loaded arms or rotating paddle systems. These solutions cause your cat to gently drop back into your yard if your feline successfully climbs to the top of the fence. You can add an extra layer of protection against animals trying to get into your yard by applying one of these systems to the outside of the fence.

Opt for a Full Enclosure

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If you don’t have a fence, don’t want to put one up, or have a cat that’s a professional escape artist, a full enclosure might be a better option. As long as you have a little help, you can move these free-standing options to different areas around the yard to ensure your cat can take advantage of various vantage points and nibble on fresh, green grass.

While your cat is sure to be entertained by watching birds and chipmunks, you can add extra amusement with toys and cat trees. With a full enclosure, your cats can get the outdoor experience without the free-range risks.

Try a Catio

A cat patio is an outdoor space built to keep your cats entertained for hours. A fully-enclosed sequence of tunnels, towers, and stairs weave around your yard or house’s exterior to create a visually-appealing experience for your furry feline. This cost-effective option works well for people who have smaller yards.

While many companies offer pre-made options, you can create catios specific to your cat’s wants and needs. You have the freedom to create any size catio, allowing your cat to zip around the yard as much as it wants.

Apply Safety First

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Letting your pet outside is a risk, even if you put up a fence and take other precautions. Regardless of how you decide to let your furry feline explore the outdoors, you should keep these five key tips in mind to ensure your pet stays safe:

  1. Let your cat outside only when you’re home to monitor its well-being.
  2. Make sure your neighbors know the drill so they can help keep a watchful eye on your pet.
  3. Put a collar on your cat with an identifying tag, as a successful escape is still a slim possibility.
  4. Consider getting a microchip injected under your pet’s skin so it can be safely returned to you after an escape.
  5. Make sure your cat has updated vaccines in case it gets attacked by another animal.

Cats can quickly become bored if they’re kept inside 24/7. Instead of subjecting your furry felines to a full-time indoor existence, consider supplying them with a safe outdoor setting. Going outside allows your pet to get the physical activity it needs to stay fit, decreases negative behaviors (such as indoor scratching), and stimulates its mind. With a bit of work and imagination, you can provide your pets with a safe space they love.

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