
The Ideal Small Home Office Space Set Up: Advice from Feng Shui


Most homeowners love the idea of decorating their spaces in a way that optimizes the given space and features of their home. But some may find it challenging without a guide to help them organize objects such as their Apple Homekit. As such, many practices such as feng shui have been taken into account to make more notable improvements around your home.

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The principles of feng shui focus on harnessing energy forces that help establish harmony between a person and their surrounding environment. This can be accomplished by arranging objects to create more balance with the natural world. But because not everyone’s home will be made the same way, there can be many different types of approaches to the technique.

How to Set the Ideal Home Office Space with Feng Shui

One of the most notable rules of feng shui is to separate your work from home setup from your rest area. This idea is believed to maintain positive energy within your home, allowing you to gain a better work-life balance. Read through for some feng shui tips you can consider when building your working space.

  • Grab a dedicated working desk

Having a desk with a dedicated purpose for work will help you focus on tasks better when you are in that area. Based on the principles of feng shui, it is ideal to leave the table in a room used solely for work.

However, if this is not possible, it should be in a multifunctional space that is not also used as a rest area or bedroom. This can help you avoid major distractions during your working hours and help you gain better rest at night.

  • Choose the right materials

When selecting pieces of furniture for your home office, it is best to stick with solid and sturdy materials. You should also remember to provide a wide enough space to work comfortably. In feng shui, doing so is believed to help you create more stability in your career.

Choose materials that add natural elements to your setup, such as wooden desks. Avoid workspaces that use glass surfaces since it is believed that your ideas and energy can fall through them and get lost.

  • Add in some blotter elements

Feng shui incorporates various types of natural elements into your arrangement to create optimal energy flow and balance. With this in mind, you can place a desk blotter or desk pads to incorporate more earthly elements to attract more qualities of stability.

Each natural element can be represented through a specific color. Black is associated with water and can invite intuition and wisdom. Green for wood which invites growth and rejuvenation. Yellow for the earth, as it symbolizes support. White for metal, which stands for precision and organization. Lastly, red for fire elements symbolizes inspiration, passion, and recognition.

  • Use the commanding position

The commanding position is one of the most vital principles in feng shui and reigns over how you can position yourself in life. You can use this principle to easily decide where to store your desk in your home office setup.

When you are in your desk space, it is ideal to position it in an area where you can see the door. But keep in mind that you should not be in direct line with it. Keeping this position indicates that you are welcoming positive energy and good opportunities into your direction.

  • Match the table with a supportive chair

The chair in your home office acts as a support to your desk and work life. When picking out the right one, it should include features with a high back and comfortable sitting material. This will give you the right type of support you need since your chair also acts as an energy spot.

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To incorporate more elements of feng shui into your chair, you can also pick one in a color that represents one of the five natural elements.

  • Open up a good flow

When practicing the principles of feng shui, it is important to pay attention to the flow in your home office. Any obstacles or items in the way of your work area can represent blocks that make your space more challenging to work in.

As such, you should move and rearrange these items in a way that opens up a clear path to your work desk. This symbolizes how you can approach your career with ease and still have enough space to grow.

  • Lay the bagua on your desk

A bagua in feng shui is a type of mandala that has eight life areas around a center point. This token is typically used to ensure that your space is perfectly balanced with each of its attributes.

When placed on your work desk, the bagua can guide you on what may happen in different areas of your career. For example, if items often pile up in the top left corner of your home office, there may be obstacles affecting your wealth area.

  • Welcome energy flow with light

Having good air circulation is another important element in feng shui. You should allow natural light to flow into your workspace during the day. This is believed to help you improve your productivity and establish good energy inside the room.

  • Introduce natural elements

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Having a touch of greenery in the room enhances the positive energy in your home office by naturally cleaning the air. In turn, this can help you reduce stress and improve your mood.

Create a Harmonious Balance Between You and Your Home

Having your working space organized is one of the many key factors that can play a role in your success. But when you are working from home, keeping your personal and professional elements separate can be more challenging.

Luckily, by following the principles of feng shui, you can add more balanced elements to your home office while maintaining a clean space. This will not only help you perform better, but it will also encourage you to press forward with good energy.

Author Bio:

Garry Everrett is a Tech Geek who is a freelance writer by passion. Mostly, he writes about topics revolving around the latest gadget and technology, specializing in new or used iMacs. In his free time, he likes to walk his dog, read sci-fi novels, and play golf.

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